The revised regulation, valid from August 20, 2017, is intended to ensure the hygienic operation of evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators (42nd BlmSchV). Evaporative cooling systems are often used in refrigeration, air conditioning or energy generation systems as open cooling systems. They are therefore used not only in industry and the energy sector, but also in retail, restaurants, hotels and office buildings. The 42nd regulation for the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act is based on the VDI 2047 Sheet 2 guideline and contains extensive testing and monitoring obligations for system operators.
- VDI 6022: Hygiene testing of air conditioning systems and evaporators
- Industrial Safety Ordinance: Risk assessment
- F-Gas Regulation : Leakage tests and protocol obligations Hier
- Chemicals Act: Legality of refrigerant procurement
- DGUV regulations: Electrical tests
-42. BImSchV: Hygiene in evaporative cooling systems
-Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG): Energetische Inspektion gemäß § 74-78
Operators must keep comprehensive records of fluorinated greenhouse gases and prove their legal origin. The revision of the F-Gas Regulation will limit the availability of these refrigerants. Alternative refrigerants such as carbon dioxide, ammonia and propane require a high level of responsibility.
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